Working together with local authorities and the country’s Energy Sustainability Agency, Enel X has improved the energy efficiency of municipal buildings by installing solar panels and LED lights as well as replacing gas boilers with heat pumps. The result? Lower emissions and operating expenses and improved quality of life.
Private and public partnering for the environment
Together Enel X, the Chilean Energy Sustainability Agency and the Municipality of Providencia - a commune of some 126,000 residents that is part of Greater Santiago - have initiated a private-public partnership that will enable the municipality to use renewable energies to reduce its carbon footprint, increase energy efficiency and generate estimated annual savings to the tune of 77 million Chilean Pesos.

Switching on renewables, switching off inefficiency and high costs
The project - "Sustainable Providencia on the Path to Carbon Neutrality" - has 18 component parts: eight focused on energy efficiency solutions, six related to clean heating, three to renewable energy implementation and one to electric mobility. It will be implemented in 11 municipal facilities, including schools and sporting complexes that will be illuminated with solar power and LED lighting and be heated with sustainable heat pump systems, which will replace natural gas boilers. Once completed, this renewables-powered project - to be implemented by Enel X on behalf of the municipality.

Helping public administrations implement the energy transition
Overall, a total of 127,710 kWh of solar power will be generated annually, equivalent to the amount of electricity consumed by 62 average Chilean homes. By making abundant use of LED lighting, the project will also bring 178,228 kWh of electricity savings per year, about the same amount as that used by an additional 86 average Chilean households. Substituting natural gas boilers with heat pumps will eliminate the equivalent of 9,700 tanks of LNG annually. Meanwhile, in terms of sustainable mobility, switching the municipality's only car from gas-powered to electric mobility will generate annual energy savings of some 27,466 kWh, equivalent to the consumption of 3,233 liters of gasoline per year. "This is a project that once again highlights everything we can achieve when the public and private sectors come together to benefit the community," explains Karla Zapata, CEO of Enel X in Chile.
Tools for measuring and monitoring energy use
An additional, innovative component of this project is the online monitoring and measurement tool that will help the municipality promote and improve its energy management. The tool will enable the administration to improve schools' and sporting complexes' energy efficiency; it will also provide information that the municipality can use to generate reports and statistics for the community and promote the efficient use of energy.